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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia vaccinates 53% of population

More than 53 percent of the Saudi population have so far received vaccines against coronavirus, with over 22.5 million doses of vaccine administered since the start of vaccination on December 15, 2020, until July 18, 2021 (Sunday).

With the vaccination campaign underway in full swing, Saudi Arabia is expected to achieve herd immunity against COVID-1 after 70 percent of the population receives two doses of vaccines within less than two and a half months (70 days).

The time frame is based on the calculation of 369,000 doses of the vaccine administered daily.

At present, the administration of coronavirus vaccines through 587 vaccination centers across the Kingdom has reached more than 497,000 doses on a daily basis.

The daily vaccine administration, in the beginning, was around 40,000 doses when the national vaccination campaign started last December. But the pace of distribution of vaccines has accelerated since Feb. 25.

The acceleration comes in the face of the looming deadline for mandatory immunization for anyone seeking to attend any social, economic, commercial, cultural, scientific, entertainment or sports event from Aug. 1


Saudi Gazette

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