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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to use electronic wristbands for home quarantine

Saudi Arabia is preparing to use electronic wristbands to monitor people quarantined inside their homes as it seeks to facilitate home quarantine instead of medical isolation in quarantine facilities.

It also plans to issue electronic warning about coronavirus through Tawakkalna application to provide instant and direct information about the number of virus infections in the Kingdom and other related information.

The app will provide the latest alerts and medical news issued by the Ministry of Health about the virus as well as about its spread, ways to prevent it, the movement permits, and placing request for ambulance and other important services for the community.

The app, through its official page on Twitter, said that it will issue soon one-hour permit for a walk in the neighborhood on a daily basis through the application to encourage walking, as well as self-disclosure for people who show signs of coronavirus infection.

The Tawaklana application was launched earlier this month as part of the close cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), which aims to manage the movement permit system of government entities as well as private sector enterprises during the curfew time.

The application consists of many features that would contribute to facilitating the access of the authorized persons to travel permits.


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