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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to Resume Sports Activities from June 21

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Sports has announced the resumption of professional sporting activities across the Kingdom, starting from June 21 (Sunday).

The move comes three months after the Kingdom decided to halt all the sports activities on March 15 over coronavirus fears.

In a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency on Thursday, the ministry said that the decision was taken after coordination with the specialized committee to follow up on the developments pertaining to coronavirus in the Kingdom.

It is now up to sports federations to specify dates for the resumption of competitions from Aug. 4 onward with a continued ban on public attendance.

The ministry stressed the importance of abiding by all precautionary measures for training and competitions that will be announced soon.

The ministry will coordinate with the Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee and sports federations to oversee all preventive measures and implement them to ensure the safety of all the employees in the sports sectors.


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