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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to boost localisation in wholesale, retail stores

Saudi Arabia will extend its localisation programme to employ more Saudi nationals in nine new categories of the wholesale and retail sector from Thursday.

The decision was taken by Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Ahmed Al Rajhi in March. It comes as part of the ministry’s decisions to localise 12 economic activities last year, and this is expected to contribute to the increase in the number of Saudis entering the labour market in the private sector to more than 50,000, from 21,000 at present.

The activities are sale of coffee, tea, honey, sugar, spices, water and beverages, fruit, vegetables and dates, grains, seeds, flowers, plants and agricultural materials, books, stationery tools and student services, in addition to gift shops, luxuries, handicraft and antiques, toys and children’s games, selling meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oils, detergents, cleaning supplies, plastics and soaps.

The decision will also contribute to increasing the number of available jobs to more than 35,000 with a localisation rate estimated at 59%, from 18%, and reducing expatriate workers in these activities by 50%.


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