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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to bear VAT on three services

The government will bear value-added tax (VAT) on three services and products on behalf of the citizens, the General Authority for Zakat and Income (GAZT) said on Saturday.

The services are private education, buying first house by the citizen provided its cost does not exceed SR850,000, and healthcare in private health centers, the GAZT said.

The Kingdom increased VAT on services and goods on July 1 from 5 to 15% to offset the impact on economy because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The GAZT has invited taxpayers wishing to obtain more information about tax regulations in the Kingdom and to comply with their provisions, to visit the official website of the authority (gazt.gov.sa), or to communicate with the authority through the unified call center on the number (19993), or via Twitter’s Customer Care account of the authority (@GAZT_CARE).


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