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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to ban outdoor work for 3 months from June 15

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) is scheduled to start applying the ministerial decision No. (3337) issued on 15/7/1435 Hijri stipulating the ban on working under the sun to all facilities of the private sector.

The ban will come into force as of Wednesday, June 15, between 12 noon and 3 p.m. and the decision will continue to stay in force till Safar 19, 1444 Hijri corresponding to Sept. 15, 2022.

The ministry called on employers to organize working hours and implement the decision to limit vocational injuries and diseases and improve productivity, where violations of the decision can be reported through the unified customer service No. 19911 or through the ministry’s application available on smartphones. The ministry also published the (Procedure manual for health and vocational safety to prevent the dangers of being subject to the sun and heat stress) on its website for employers.


Saudi Gazette

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