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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia thwarts attempt to smuggle 196kg of hashish

Saudi authorities in Jazan have arrested a citizen for attempting to smuggle 196kg of hashish, the Interior Minsitry said on its Snapchat account.

“The Saudi man, in his 40s, hid the contraband in a secret compartment in his car,” the ministry said.

The patrols of the security regiments also seized three packages of the narcotic plant khat, an unlicensed pistol, and six live bullets in the citizen’s possession, the ministry added.

The man was remanded in custody, pending moving to the Public Prosecution for trial, it said.

Police patrols also seized customs contraband, hidden in two stolen cars. They caught nine violators of the border regulations of Ethiopian nationality, who tried to enter Saudi Arabia illegally, the ministry said.


Gulf News

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