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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Tawakkalna app operating in 75 countries worldwide

The Tawakkalna app launched last year by Saudi authorities to help track COVID-19 infections is now available in 75 countries worldwide.

Countries in the first phase of the app’s international availability include: Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Morocco, Tunisia, Djibouti, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, South Africa, Lebanon, Nigeria, India, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Bangladesh, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Norway, Austria, USA, Japan, Greece, Spain, Estonia, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Brunei, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, France, Finland, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Canada, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Malta, Malaysia, Monaco, New Zealand, Netherlands, Maldives, and Azerbaijan.

The Tawakkalna app was recently updated to show the COVID-19 health status, whether one is vaccinated or infected. It now also functions as a “passport”.


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