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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia renews expired residency visa for one month

The Directorate General of Passports has automatically extended the validity of residency permits of expatriates who are outside the Kingdom. The extension is for one month and without any fee, in line with the directives of authorities.

In a statement on its website on Monday, the passport agency said beneficiaries of the extension are expatriates who are outside the Kingdom with an exit and a re-entry visa and those who have commercial traders as their professions. The one-month extension is from the date of the expiry of the residency visa during the period from August 1 to 31.

The new arrangement is in coordination with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, and the National Information Center.

Earlier in July, King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz approved the extension of the expired residency visas of expatriates who are in the Kingdom and those abroad for three months without fees or fines.

The Ministry of Interior’s Absher app also announced that the extension of the exit and re-entry visas will be available for domestic expatriate workers and family members.

The conditions for the provision of this service included that the person shall be outside the Kingdom and there is validity for the residency permit covering the extension period.


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