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Saudi ArabiaHealth

Saudi Arabia reintroduces COVID protocols as cases surge

Saudi Arabia has reintroduced mandatory wearing of face masks and maintaining social distancing indoors and outdoors effective from Thursday, in a new move to curb the rapid increase in cases of COVID-19 variants.

The new decision will come into force from 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 30.

All procedures and measures are subject to continuous evaluation by the competent health authorities in the Kingdom, according to the developments of the epidemiological situation locally and globally. Legal procedures and penalties will be applied on violators.

In related news, all visitors and workers in the Two Holy Mosques should abide by the preventive measures by wearing masks, complying with the entrance hours according to the permits issued by the adopted applications, maintaining social distancing and abiding by the directives of the authorities working in the mosques. 


Saudi Gazette

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