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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia records lowest coronavirus cases in 7 months

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health recorded on Thursday 311 new coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours, marking the lowest single-day number in seven months since the outbreak of the pandemic in the Kingdom.

The number of deaths from the complications caused by the virus in the Kingdom also dropped sharply with only 15 reported on Thursday.

This brings the total number of confirmed infections in the Kingdom to 352,160 and virus-related fatalities to 5,605.

The ministry also reported 412 new recoveries over the past 24 hours, raising the total number of people free from the deadly virus to 339,114 with the recovery rate rising to 96.26 percent.

Riyadh recorded the highest number of daily infections with 55 cases followed by Madinah with 46, Yanbu and Jeddah with 23 cases each.

The remaining cases were detected in different cities and governorates across the Kingdom.

With the steady drop in the number of daily cases and spike in recoveries, the active cases in the Kingdom also came down significantly with 7,441 reported on Thursday and out of the total, 798 were critical cases. 


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