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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to utilize social media to track down beggars

Brig. Gen. Sami Al-Shuwairekh, spokesman for the Public Security, said various social media outlets will be used to track down and arrest beggars.

All citizens and residents are asked to give their charity and alms through the approved platforms which guarantee their delivery to the needy. He called on the public not to encourage the practice of beggary.

The security authorities started strictly enforcing the Anti-Begging Law from Tuesday by arresting anyone found to be begging. A maximum jail term of one year and fine of SR100,000 will be awarded to those who practice beggary, according to the new Anti-Begging Law, approved by the Council of Ministers.

The law stipulates deportation of non-Saudi beggars once they serve the jail term and pay the fine. They will not be allowed to return to the Kingdom for work. There will be an exemption from deportation for non-Saudi beggars who are spouses of Saudi nationals and their children.


Saudi Gazette

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