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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia plans to make kingdom bike-friendly

The Saudi Shura Council, the country’s advisory body, has approved a motion to make Saudi Arabia bike-friendly, local media reported.

The recommendation, submitted by Dr. Tariq Fadaak, was voted for by the majority of the council’s members.

Dr Fadaak said in his motion with rising urbanization, our cities need modern mobility solutions, as moving around on two wheels proves time and again that it can offer results.

“Investment in bicycle infrastructure is a modern and intelligent move. Plenty of research shows the social, economic, environmental, and health benefits of urban cycling,” he said.

Studies from Denmark tell us that for every kilometer cycled, society enjoys a net profit of 23 cents, whereas for every kilometer driven by car we suffer a net loss of 16 cents.

Walking is the most popular sport practiced by members of society in the Kingdom, followed by cycling, according to statistics issued by the Saudi Sports for All Federation.

Dr. Fadaak argued therefore, it is imperative to allocate bicycle tracks to avoid collisions with pedestrians or walkers in the kingdom’s walkways, and the dangers they pose to people.


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