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Money & BusinessSaudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia pauses online opening of bank accounts

All banks in Saudi Arabia will halt opening new accounts for clients through online platforms “until further notice” as per new instructions from the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA).

The new instructions, which will come into effect as of Sunday, April 10, include opening accounts for individuals and institutions as part of new measures to tackle fraud.

Opening new accounts shall be introduced only through the branches of the banks and financial institutions, which allows the employees to verify the identity of the person who is opening the account.

As per the new instructions, non-Saudi clients will no longer be able to add money transfer beneficiaries online. Instead, they have to do it in person. The new measures also include limiting the allowed amount of money that can be transferred online to SR60,000. Transit time for domestic wires will be two hours while it will be 24 hours for international wires.


Saudi Gazette
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