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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: No cases of new mutated COVID-19 detected

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health confirmed that no cases of the new mutated strain of coronavirus has been reported in the Kingdom, Dr. Mohammed Al Abdul Ali, the ministry’s spokesperson said on Tuesday.

Replying to a question about the mutated strain of coronavirus and its effect on the severity of the disease or the genetic developments of the coronavirus, Al Abdel Ali said there are hundreds of variants that have occurred so far. “Scientific studies and preliminary data have proven that they do neither prevent the efficacy of the vaccine, nor do they lead to an increase in the severity of the epidemic as well,” the spokesperson said.

He reassured citizens and residents that the vaccination plan will go as planned, and there is no changes on the plan due to the new mutant COVID-19 variant in a number of European countries.

He confirmed that all those who received the coronavirus vaccine are in good health, noting that all the citizens and expatriates who took the vaccine have not shown any unexpected symptoms.

Al Abdul Ali urged everyone to register for taking the vaccine through the ministry’s mobile app Sehhaty (My Health). He also advised them to obtain all information related to the virus and vaccine from the ministry’s official sources and to avoid listening and believing rumours.

The vaccination process is proceeding smoothly, and there were no problems reported among those who received the first dose of the vaccine.

Dr. Al Abdul Ali reiterated that the vaccine is available to all Saudis and expatriates free of charge, but at the beginning the priority is given to some certain groups, including those over 65 years and those with chronic diseases in addition to frontline health professionals and those expose to a higher risk of infection.


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