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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia lifts outdoor mask, social distancing mandates

Saudi Arabia will lift precautionary and preventive measures related to combating the coronavirus pandemic as of Saturday, an official source in the Ministry of Interior said.

Measures including social distancing and wearing masks outdoors are no longer mandatory in the Kingdom, Saudi Press Agency reported.

The Interior Ministry also said social distancing in the Two Holy Mosques and all mosques in the Kingdom would end, but worshipers still have to wear masks.

Saudi Arabia will no longer require travelers to undergo mandatory COVID-19 quarantine upon arrival in the Kingdom. Passengers will also no longer need to provide a PCR test upon their arrival.

The Kingdom has also lifted the suspension of direct flights and arrival to the Kingdom from the following countries (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Malawi, Mauritius, Zambia, Madagascar, Angola, Seychelles, United Republic of Comoros, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Afghanistan).

All arrivals to the Kingdom on visit visas of any kind are required to get insurance that covers the costs of treatment from any coronavirus infection.


Arab News

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