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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia launches online classes for Arabic calligraphy

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture has announced the launch of the first online platform for teaching Arabic calligraphy and Islamic decoration.

The platform will be supervised by a group of professional calligraphers in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world. They will teach methods of Arabic calligraphy through training courses, projects and professional workshops.

The “Calligrapher” platform comes within the “Year of Arabic Calligraphy” initiative by the ministry of culture.

The platform aims to provide those who wish to learn Arabic calligraphy and Islamic decoration the opportunity to obtain specialized lessons by professionals and specialists.

The site will also offer different types of calligraphy to choose from.

The platform includes a number of various training tracks including; professional courses in types of Arabic calligraphy, explanation of letters and their combinations, writing words and phrases, improving writing, training in making calligraphic paintings and artwork in

Arabic calligraphy, letter formations, gilding, Islamic decoration, drawing and coloring, and needle art.

The platform will also provide the trainee the opportunity to develop Arabic computer fonts by learning designs and programming fonts.


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