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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia launches initiative to promote healthy food habits among children

Saudi government agencies have launched an initiative, in cooperation with private food companies, to promote the marketing of healthy food products among children. The initiative will also discourage the sale of products with a high content of sugar, salt and fat to children.

The initiative will encourage private food companies to concentrate on producing healthy food and foodstuffs that contribute to promoting public health, Saudi Gazette reports.

This initiative coincides with a similar one launched by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) that calls for voluntary commitment from the part of food companies to improve the nutritional value of food products.

As of June 2017 the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority started imposing selective taxes of 50% on soft drinks, and 100% on energy drinks and tobacco products to discourage their consumption. As of 2019, a 50% tax has also been imposed on sweetened beverages and 100% tax on smoking devices and liquids.

These taxes are aimed at reducing the consumption of goods that are harmful to society, the authority said.


Saudi Gazette
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