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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia launches “flexible work” system

The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has launched a new labour system titled “Flexible work regulation” based on work on an hourly-basis for young Saudi jobseekers, local media reported.

This initiative, which will further empower young Saudi men and women, will cover all types of jobs in private sector businesses.

The new regulation aims to create job opportunities for Saudi jobseekers as well as to provide jobs for Saudi employees who wish to increase their income. This will be through a flexible contractual regulation under which wage is based on hours of work.

The regulation will protect the rights of both employer and employee through documentation of work contracts electronically through a portal, to be set up by the ministry.

A worker can work with a flexible mode system so that the maximum number of hours that is allowed to be contracted for an employee at a single facility is 95 per month.


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