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Saudi ArabiaGCC CountriesKuwait

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait Lead Gulf States in Megaprojects: Report

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are currently leading the Gulf in megaprojects, with NEOM in Saudi Arabia and Silk City in Kuwait as two of the biggest planned construction projects globally.

However, according to data by Statista, along with the Gulf that is experiencing massive infrastructure investments, Europe’s Trans-European Transport Network is set to cost $600 billion, while China’s Belt and Road Initiative is predicted to cost over $1 trillion.

The data showed that currently several projects underway exceed the size of $100 billion, including NEOM, which is a futuristic city being built in Northwestern Saudi Arabia, however, according to construction software company 1Build, before the end of the decade, the world will see its first construction megaproject with a cost exceeding $1 trillion.


Arabian Business

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