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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia issues directions for mandatory flag hoisting

All state private and public institutions have been directed to hoist the national flag over their buildings under new official instructions, local media reports said.

The directives were issued by Emir of Makkah Region and Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal.

The directives were issued after Prince Khaled noticed that some establishments in the government and private sectors have failed to raise the national flag atop their buildings in violation of the Saudi Flag Law.

“The new directive from Prince Khaled will be monitored and its implementation followed up by the agencies concerned according to related stipulations,” the portal added.

The Saudi flag is in use since March 15, 1973. The green flag features an Arabic inscription and a sword in white color. The inscription is the Islamic creed, or shahada: “There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”


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