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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia issues 149 new scholarships to global universities

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture has issued 149 additional scholarships to students in various arts and cultural fields at some of the most prestigious international universities and institutes, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Tuesday.

Under the ministry’s cultural scholarship program, Saudi students have the opportunity to study at one of over 60 universities around the world, including Harvard University, Sorbonne University, and London University.

The courses that come under the scholarship program include but are not limited to archeology, design, museums, music, theater, filmmaking, literature, languages, libraries, architecture, visual arts, and culinary arts, the culture ministry said. All majors are available at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degree levels.

The program covers all tuition fees, financial guarantee, living expenses of the students, as well as health care, and travel expenses.

To be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

1. The applicant must be a Saudi Arabian citizen.

2. The applicant should be of good conduct and behavior.

3. The educational institution they want to enroll in must be included in the list of educational institutions available within the program.

4. The field they want to enroll in must be within the specified specializations or their branches in the cultural scholarship program.

5. The applicant’s documents must be complete and correct during registration.


Al Arabiya
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