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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia imposes SR400,000 fine for hunting Arabian tiger

The Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture said on Tuesday that it has started implementing the new executive regulations for hunting wild animals and birds in the Kingdom.

The regulations include penalties for violations of hunting rules, with a maximum penalty, amounting to SR400,000, for hunting the Arabian tiger.

Those who engage in hunting without a license will be slapped with a fine of SR10,000 for the first time, while users of firearms in hunting will be fined SR80,000, and users of spray guns or hunting rifles will face a fine of SR100,000.

Fines for hunting banned birds and animals range between SR400,000 — the highest fine in the list, which is the penalty for hunting the Arabian tiger— and a minimum of SR1,000 for hunting a forest pigeon.

The regulations stipulated a fine of SR3,000 as a penalty for hunting all kinds of local lizards.

The ministry said that the regulations aim to protect wildlife, especially endangered species, as well as to contain overfishing, regulate hunting activities, and provide outlets for hobbyists to practice their hobbies in a safe and secure manner.

It also provides investment opportunities for the private sector in a way not harming the wildlife.


Saudi Gazette
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