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Saudi Arabia: Four Children Die in Horrific House Fire in Al Ahsa

Four children have tragically lost their lives while sleeping in a horrific house fire in Al Ahsa, in eastern Saudi Arabia.

The absence of parents at the time of the tragedy has further compounded the nation’s grief. Saudis across the country have expressed profound sorrow and shock at the family’s devastating loss.

According to reports, a fire broke out in the family home of Ali bin Ibrahim Al Obaid, a respected fencing coach at the National Justice Club in the early hours of Sunday morning.

His four children, Heba (10), Hussain (9), Lian (2) and Rahaf (1), were sleeping in the house at the time. It was not immediately clear where the parents were when the tragdy happened.

The fire was reportedly caused by an electrical short circuit on the ground floor, and quickly spread to the second floor, where the children were sleeping. The fire caused the children to suffocate in their sleep. Al Obaid expressed profound sorrow at the tragic loss, saying “it is the will of God for this to happen, and we have nothing but patience and acceptance.”

The Saudi Fencing Federation offered its condolences to Al Obaid and his family via its official X account.

In a related development, civil defence teams in Al Ahsa reported a separate incident of a fire in a house in the village of Abu Thur, which resulted in injuries to four individuals. They were immediately transported to the hospital to receive necessary medical care.


Gulf News
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