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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia foils Houthis’ bid to target commercial ship

The Arab Coalition forces have thwarted an attempt by the Houthi militia to target a Saudi commercial vessel with an armed drone.

In a statement on Friday, the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen said that the Iran-backed militia continues to threaten global maritime shipping routes.

The coalition added in the statement that its efforts have contributed to securing the freedom of navigation and the safety of ships transiting through the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait.

The sabotage attempt on Friday by the Houthi militia comes just a couple of days after the coalition forces intercepted and destroyed a Houthi explosive-laden drone targeting the Kingdom’s southern region.

Just hours before the drone attack, the coalition forces destroyed two booby-trapped drones and three ballistic missiles launched by the militia toward the southern city of Jazan.


Arab News

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