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Money & BusinessSaudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: First Arab country to launch plastic banknotes

Saudi Arabia has become the first Arab country to make and circulate plastic banknotes. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency announced the launch of a five-riyal note of the Saudi currency made of polymer, which was circulated as of Monday.

The design and colours of the five-riyal polymer note was similar to that of the same paper note, made of cotton, currently in circulation, taking into account the different manufacturing techniques and technical specifications, and the security marks for this category.

The initial quantities of the new note will be offered to trade alongside the five-riyal denomination currently in circulation, and the remaining denominations of the sixth edition of banknotes in circulation, as official legal currency.

The Saudi Monetary Agency confirmed that the new five-riyal denomination has been printed according to the latest standards in the field of polymer currency printing, and characterised by “high-quality security marks”.


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