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Saudi ArabiaExpats

Saudi Arabia: ‘Final-exit’ visa to be issued after settlement of all dues

Expats who have received their entitlements will only be issued a “final-exit” visa after they have fully settled all their financial dues, including phone bills, following the move taken by the Directorate-General of Passports (Jawazat).

Those who seek “final-exit” visas also need to ensure that no vehicles are registered in their names.

Furthermore, there should be no visa issued earlier that is still unused and is registered under the applicant’s name.

The validity of the “final-exit” visa is 60 days from the date of its issuance and those who are issued the visa must leave the Kingdom within the stated period, irrespective of the validity of their identification papers.

The “final-exit” visa cannot be extended. No exit-only visa can be issued to the person while he is outside the Kingdom.


Saudi Gazette

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