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Saudi ArabiaPeople & CultureTravel

Saudi Arabia: Electronic passport to be introduced soon

It has been declared that the passports of Saudi citizens would be replaced by a machine-readable passport (MRP) in the near future. The new electronic passport service will be launched within the coming few months.

The electronic passport would have an electronic chip that contains the data of the passport holder, which can be readable by machines at all airports around the world.

The service of renewing the national ID of Saudi citizens can also be made from anywhere in the world without the need to visit the Civil Status offices, and the ID will be delivered to the beneficiary by mail. All government agencies that provide visas have allowed the registration of biometrics and fingerprints when issuing digital visas without the need to visit embassies.

The service will be available to everyone according to a timetable to be agreed upon between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all government agencies concerned with each type.


Saudi Gazette

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