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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Daily coronavirus cases continue to drop

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health announced on Sunday 1,357 new coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours, marking the lowest single-day infections in the Kingdom in months.

This brings the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Kingdom so far to 278,835.

The ministry also announced 30 more deaths from complications caused by the virus, taking the total number of fatalities in the country to 2,917.

Meanwhile, a total of 2,533 more patients have completely recovered from the deadly disease, raising the total number of recoveries to 240,081, according to the ministry.

The recovery rate in the Kingdom has now hit a whopping 86.1 percent.

There are 35,837 active cases are in the Kingdom, out of which 2,011 are in a critical health condition, the ministry said.

Of the new cases, Makkah topped the list with 153 new infections, followed by Riyadh with 94 cases and Jeddah with 72 cases.

There was no coronavirus case recorded in the holy sites.


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