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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Consumer spending crosses SR8.7 billion in one week

Consumer spending in the Kingdom reached more than SR8.7 billion during the past week (Aug. 8-14), according to the figures released by the Saudi Central Bank (SCB).

The last week witnessed spending of SR8.71 billion through 104.7 million transactions. The value of operations decreased by about SR200 million compared to the previous week as consumers spent about SR1.3 billion on foods and beverages, followed by restaurants and cafes by about SR1.2 billion.

Consumers spent more than SR1.1 billion on “other sectors”, SR828.7 million on various goods and services, SR677 million on the health sector, SR576.2 million on gas, SR539.6 million on clothing and shoes, and about SR501.7 million on the transport sector.

They also spent more than SR335 million on construction and building materials, SR279.6 million on furniture, SR253.5 million on electronic and electrical devices, SR231.8 million on jewelry and SR230.1 million on the entertainment sector.

Consumers in Riyadh spent about SR2.6 billion, followed by Jeddah with about SR1.4 billion, Dammam SR438.5 million, Madinah SR322.2 million, Makkah SR288.1 million, and Al-Khobar more than SR277.6 million.


Saudi Gazette
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