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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia considers mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for Hajj permit

The Saudi Ministry of Health (MoH) is working on raising the percentage of Covid-19 vaccine recipients in the cities of Makkah and Madinah to at least 60% before Dhul Hijjah 1, 1442H (July 13).

The ministry plans include all those assigned to work in Hajj this year must receive two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine before Dhul Hijjah 1, sources revealed.

The sources indicated that the ministry is intending to make it mandatory for all pilgrims to obtain two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine where the second dose should be taken one week before arrival in Saudi Arabia.

There is also a need for the pilgrim to obtain an approved and negative Covid-19 laboratory test, 72 hours before arrival in the Kingdom.

The ministry will oblige all pilgrims to submit to a 72-hour quarantine, during which, they must repeat the Covid-19 test.


Saudi Gazette

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