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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia arrests 15,693 illegals in one week

Around 15,693 violators of residency and labor laws and border security regulations have been arrested in various regions of the Kingdom within a week.

The arrests were made during joint field campaigns from September 16 to 22.

Those arrested included 6,336 violators of the residency laws, about 7,452 violators of the border security regulations, and more than 1,905 violators of the labor law.

The Ministry of Interior has warned that those caught facilitating anyone to enter the Kingdom in violation of the border security regulations, or provides them transportation, shelter, or any assistance or service in any way, shall face a maximum jail term of 15 years, fine of up to SR1 million, and confiscation of the means of transportation and residence used for shelter, in addition to publicizing their names in the local media.


Saudi Gazette

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