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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Announces New Child-tracking Scheme With Immediate Effect

Saudi Arabia has unveiled a new plan to prevent children from getting lost at the Grand Mosque in Makkah. Children will now be equipped with free bracelets, which are being distributed at the Holy site.

The bracelets, which are printed using special devices, have several features and is inclusive of the child’s name and the parents’ contact numbers. 

Saudi Arabia introduces child-tracking bracelets

The bracelets will help in communicating with the child’s parents if the child is lost inside the Grand Mosque. 

The distribution of bracelets comes within a qualitative initiative launched by the Hadiyah, Hajji and Mu’tamer’s Gift Charitable Association, which is giving the bracelets to all children upon a visit with their families to the organization’s offices near the Grand Mosque.

Families can avail the service by visiting the association’s offices near the Grand Mosque in Makkah.

While one of the association’s offices is located in Makkah in the main office of Makkah Construction and Development Company on the fourth floor, another one is located on the ground floor of the King Abdulaziz Endowment.



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