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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia announces amended Covid-19 protocols for malls

The Ministry of Commerce announced that the amendments in the Covid-19 preventive protocols for commercial centers and malls came into effect from Tuesday, May 4.

The ministry stated that security guards would be deployed to prevent crowding and rush at the external gates and entrances.

Zigzag paths will also be arranged for waiting at the gates to ensure physical distancing and to avoid gathering as well as to prevent entry of protocol violators.

Prepaid movie ticket holders will be allowed to enter the specialized halls with the application of special protocols.

Signboards shall be placed at each entrance, indicating the capacity, and an emphasis on the application of physical distancing between individuals.

Apart from using the Tawakkalna app to manage gatherings, the app barcode sticker shall be shown at the entry and exit gates.

Physical distancing signs and stickers shall be placed in the outer yards and before the entrances. Security guards will only allow visitors to leave the premises after checking out via the Tawakkalna app.



Saudi Gazette
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