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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia amends abuse law

Saudi authorities have accorded approval to three amendments in the Law of Protection from Abuse and five amendments in the Child Protection Law with the objective of ensuring adequate protection for children and weaker sections of society from abuse by awarding stringent penalties for abusers.

Article 13 of the Law of Protection from Abuse was amended so as to award imprisonment for a period of not less than a month and not exceeding a year, or a fine of not less than SR5000 and not more than SR50000 or of both for anyone who commits a crime that comes under the purview of child abuse.

The penalty will be doubled if the victim is a person with special needs, or a parent, or those above the age of 60 years or a pregnant woman who suffered a miscarriage as a result of the abuse. The penalty will also be doubled if the abuse occurred at the workplace, a study center or prayer area or in case of the perpetrator being someone entrusted with the application of the provisions of this law, or it occurred with the use of a weapon.


Saudi Gazette
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