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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia allows entry to education staff from countries facing travel ban

The Ministry of Interior announced that academic faculty members and teachers of universities, colleges, schools, and vocational and technical institutes from countries facing travel ban will be allowed direct entry into the Kingdom.

Scholarship students will also be permitted direct entry.

Those unvaccinated shall remain in institutional quarantine upon arrival and they should take their vaccine during their quarantine period, SPA reported quoting an official source at the ministry.

Currently, there are 10 countries that are facing travel ban: India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Lebanon.

The ministry’s decisions include the following categories of foreigners from the travel banned countries:

1- Faculty members and the like in universities, colleges and institutes.

2- Teachers in general education.

3- Training Authority at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) and training institutes.

4- Scholarship students.

Those who have received one dose of vaccine or have been fully vaccinated in the Kingdom are exempted from the institutional quarantine.

All precautionary and preventive measures for travel are subject to continuous evaluation by the Public Health Authority (Weqaya) in accordance with the latest developments in the pandemic situation.


Saudi Gazetteq

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