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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: 5-year ban, up to SR100,000 fine for travel law violations

According to the amendments to the Travel Document Law, the fine for neglecting travel documents has been raised from SR5000 to SR100,000. The maximum travel ban period has also been raised to five years from three years.

The new penalties will include those who commit violations such as adding, deleting or changing information in passports/laissez-passer tickets (a document granting unrestricted access or movement to its holder), deliberately destroying or distorting passports and other travel documents or changing personal photos.

The violations also include negligence leading the loss of a passport/laissez-passer ticket, involvement with those who deliberately contribute to the illegal use of passports or sale of either passport or laissez-passer ticket.

The penalties will also be slapped on those who attempt to use a passport/laissez-passer ticket belonging to a third party, as well as on those who leave or enter the Kingdom without a travel document or through ports other than the specified ones.

There will be exemptions for those who have acceptable excuses.

According to the amended law, the minister of interior will determine the countries to which travel is not allowed, and the departments under the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) would take the appropriate action against the violators.


Saudi Gazette
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