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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: 19,812 arrested in one week for residency, labor, border violations

Nearly 20,000 violators of residency, work and border security systems have been arrested in Saudi Arabia between June 24 to June 30, according to an official report.

There have been 19,812 offenders, including 8,570 for violating residency regulations, 947 for labor violations and 10,295 for border violations.

The report said that 224 people were arrested while trying to cross the border into the Kingdom: 43% were Yemeni citizens, 47% were Ethiopians, 5% Somalis and 5% were of other nationalities.

In addition, 47 people were arrested for trying to cross into neighboring countries, and five for involvement in transporting and harboring violators.

The authorities transferred 36,454 offenders to their respective diplomatic missions to obtain travel documents, 14,863 were transferred to complete their travel reservations, and 16,294 were deported.

The Ministry of Interior called on people to report any violation on the free-toll number (911) in Makkah and Riyadh regions, and (999) and 996 in all other regions of the Kingdom.


Arab News
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