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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: 18,680 citizens tavelled abroad in 36 hours since ban lifted

As many as 18,680 Saudi citizens have travelled abroad via land borders and airports within 36 hours after the ban on international travel was lifted on May 17 (Monday), the Ministry of Interior announced on Wednesday, adding that 10,450 traveled in the first 24 hours.

According to the ministry, the United Arab Emirates was the top destination for those who traveled via air, followed by Egypt, Qatar, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Meanwhile, 5,717 citizens departed for the neighboring countries via land border crossings.

A total of 3,362 used the King Fahd Causeway to travel to Bahrain while 689 left for the UAE through the Al-Batha border crossing. As many as 673 Saudis passed through the Al-Haditha checkpoint to reach Jordan while 324 departed for Qatar crossing the Salwa checkpoint and 270 went to Kuwait using the Khafji border crossing.


Saudi Gazette
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