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Saudi Arabia: 14,693 illegals arrested in a week

 Around 14,693 violators of residency and labor laws and border security regulations have been arrested in various regions of the Kingdom within a week.

Those arrested included 9,271 violators of the residency laws, about 3,651 violators of the border security regulations, and more than 1,771 violators of the labor law.

A total of 217 people were arrested while trying to cross the border into the Kingdom, of whom 63% were Yemeni nationals, 34% were Ethiopians, and 3% belonged to other nationalities while 74 people were arrested for trying to flee the Kingdom crossing borders. The security forces also arrested 11 people who were involved in transporting violators and giving them shelter.

The total number of violators, who are currently subject to the punitive measures, accounted for more than 103,377 including more than 91,679 men and 11,698 women, while the cases of 89,295 violators were referred to their diplomatic missions to obtain travel documents for their deportation.


Saudi Gazette

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