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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia announces Ramadan plan for Two Holy Mosques

The Ramadan operation plan for the Two Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah has been announced.

Visitors are urged to get the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure their safety as well as others’.

The operation plan involved receiving all pilgrims in line with the strict health and safety measures, while ensuring that mosque visitors were given enough ease to make the best of their experience.

There will be five areas available for prayers at Makkah’s Grand Mosque and a designated area for worshippers with special needs.

Umrah pilgrims will be able to perform Tawaf on the first floor throughout the month.

Zamzam water coolers remain unavailable, but ushers will provide 200,000 bottles n a daily basis.

Those who wish to break their fast at the Grand Mosque or Prophet’s Mosque will be allowed to bring in water and dates for personal consumption only. No sharing or distribution will be allowed.


Arab News

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