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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: SEHA platform to accept sick leave of employees from outside Kingdom

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) has approved the Ministry of Health’s SEHA platform to accept sick leave of employees from outside Saudi Arabia.

The ministry said that the platform has been developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Health to deal with sick leave reports issued from abroad. 

The ministry also explained the procedures for the submission of sick leave by employees from outside the Kingdom. Accordingly, the employee must obtain the sick leave report issued by an accredited health authority from outside the Kingdom. 

He then must attest it from the Saudi diplomatic mission in the respective country and then send it to his workplace in paper or electronic format. Subsequently, the employee’s firm shall upload the sick leave report on the SEHA platform, and that is in accordance with the procedures and regulations contained in the regulatory framework for taking sick leave. 

The firm shall complete the automated procedures by referring the leave to the General Medical Authority for its approval as well as to take the necessary follow up work before informing the employee about it.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Health introduced SEHA as an e-health application in 2018 to enable individuals to have face-to-face visual medical consultations with their doctors on their smartphones. The MHRSD and MoH have made necessary updates on SEHA platform to deal with the sick leave reports issued from abroad.


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