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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Almost 40% of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Have Recovered

Saudi Arabia’s Health Ministry said Wednesday that nearly 40 percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country has recovered from the disease.

The ministry announced a total of 2,365 new recoveries, bringing the total number to 17,622. The total confirmed cases reached 44,830 with 1,905 new cases confirmed. Of these 42 percent are Saudis, 22 percent are female, and 8 percent are children.

There are currently 26,935 active COVID-19 cases receiving treatment in Saudi hospitals, 147 of which are in critical condition.

“It is the second day in a row where recoveries outnumber the confirmed cases,” said Health Ministry spokesman Dr. Mohammed Al-Abd Al-Aly.

“Recently, we have seen an intersection between the new recorded cases curve and the recovery curve, while the recovery curve is rising rapidly which is a very positive sign.”

He added that the coronavirus death curve was “stable and fairly low” in the Kingdom when compared to other countries and that the intense workload had not affected the ministry’s focus or that of other health authorities.

Earlier, Al-Aly said fever is the most common symptom of infection as 99 percent of confirmed cases experienced fever, while 60 percent had a cough and 30 percent had difficulty breathing.


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