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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Almost 12,000 People Held for Labor, Residency, Border Violations

Saudi authorities arrested almost 12,000 people in one week for breaching residency, work and border security regulations, according to an official report. From June 1 to 7, a total of 6,303 people were arrested for violations of residency rules, while 4,136 were held over illegal border crossing attempts and a further 1,171 for labour-related issues.

The report showed that among the 619 people arrested for trying to enter the Kingdom illegally, 43 per cent were Yemeni, 54 per cent were Ethiopian, and 3 per cent were of other nationalities. A further 119 people were caught trying to cross into neighbouring countries, and 19 were held for involvement in transporting and harbouring violators.

The Saudi Ministry of Interior said that anyone found to be aiding illegal entry to the Kingdom, including transporting and providing shelter, could face imprisonment for a maximum of 15 years, a fine of up to SR1 million ($260,000), or confiscation of vehicles and property.

Suspected violations can be reported on the toll-free number 911 in the Makkah and Riyadh regions, and 999 or 996 in other regions of the Kingdom.


Arab News

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