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Saudi Arabia

Saudi allows international travel for ‘exceptional categories’

The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) announced that it has updated its traveler’s guide, after the issuance of the approval by the competent authorities in the Kingdom to allow international travel for exceptional categories, which was in line with the health protocols for this stage.

The new controls include, not allowing non-Saudis to enter the Kingdom’s territory except after submitting evidence that they are free from infection with the novel coronavirus based on a recent testing by a reliable and approved medical entity outside the Kingdom, and no more than 48 hours have passed since the date of its execution at the moment of their arrival at the airport.

Furthermore, travelers must adhere to the preventive health procedures that impose home quarantine for those arriving from outside the Kingdom (for Saudis and non-Saudis), as per the period determined by the Health Ministry,


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