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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Abha Accident Death Toll Rises to 21

The death toll in the horrific traffic accident on Monday at Aqaba Shaar in the southern Asir region rose to 21.

The health authorities in Asir started collecting DNA samples from the charred corpses to identify the remains of the deceased victims.

All the dead bodies were taken to the morgue of Mahayil Asir Hospital, while the pilgrims who sustained injuries were transferred to the Asir Central Hospital, Mahayil Hospital, and Abha Private Hospital.

Mahayil Governor Muhammad Al-Qarqah, accompanied by Mahayil Police Director Brig. Gen. Mubarak Al-Qahtani, visited the injured and reassured them, wishing for their speedy recovery.

He also visited the morgue and met the forensic team, which is making great efforts to complete the identification of the bodies since most of the bodies are charred without any possibility for identification.


Saudi Gazette
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