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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 90% of patients recovered as total cases cross 300,000

Ninety percent of patients in Saudi Arabia so far diagnosed with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) had recovered, health officials announced on Tuesday.

And the latest batch of 4,526 recoveries represented more than double the number of new daily cases in the Kingdom, said the Ministry of Health. However, the infection total had now passed the 300,000 mark.

The number of people getting over COVID-19 infection in the country has been fluctuating of late but has maintained momentum over figures for newly confirmed cases with total recoveries now at 272,911.

Riyadh recorded the highest number of recoveries on Tuesday at 1,439, with Jeddah reporting 877, and Dammam 275.

The ministry pointed out that preventive measures and health protocols introduced to limit the spread of COVID-19 had played a key role in keeping infection rates down.

As Saudi Arabia continued to advance its efforts for early detection, 60,712 polymerase chain reaction tests were carried out in the latest 24-hour period, meaning 4,378,417 of the checks had now been conducted in the Kingdom.


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