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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 47 shops closed for violating coronavirus measures

Jeddah municipality closed down 47 shops in the past two days as it intensified its inspection rounds of commercial enterprises, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

A number of restaurants, grocery stores, butcher shops, cafes and malls were shut down as they violated regulations and did not enforce preventive measures put in place to combat the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as commercial activities have gradually resumed.

The deputy mayor of sub-municipalities, Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Zahrani, said that the Jeddah municipality, represented by its sub-municipalities, started its inspections on Thursday. It stressed the enforcement of all preventive measures, most notably checking the temperature of the workers and shoppers, applying social distancing, and providing sanitizers and masks.

He said there are part of the continuous inspections of all malls, restaurants, and delivery services to ensure those establishments’ commitment to enforcing the precautionary measures.

Al-Zahrani also said rounds are also being conducted to monitor the continuous prohibition of all activities that cannot apply social distancing, such as barbers, beauty salons, recreational centers, cinemas, and health and sports clubs.


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