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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 25 facilities closed for violating health measures in Makkah

Twenty-five facilities in Makkah’s Al-Maabdah neighborhood were shut down for violating the health measures enforced by authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The municipality of Makkah stated that its control teams executed 786 field inspection tours, which resulted in the commercial enterprises being closed. Sanctions and penalties were also imposed upon six enterprises for not abiding by the measures.

The inspection tours also resulted in the confiscation of 635 kg of food from unknown sources, which was handed over to the organization Hefz Al-Nemah after checking that it was safe for human consumption.

In addition, the municipality confiscated 596 kg of vegetables and fruits during checks carried out on street vendors.

The municipality of Makkah stressed its keenness to intensify its inspection tours through affiliated municipalities, follow up on all activities related to public health, and establish a secure health environment, calling on everybody to cooperate and report any violation to the free-toll number 940. 


Arab News

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