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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: 24-Hour Curfew Violation Will Not be Tolerated

Violations of a nationwide curfew will not be tolerated as the Kingdom goes on a complete lockdown from 5 p.m. on May 22 until the fourth day of Eid on May 27, the Saudi Interior Ministry said on Friday.

“Patrol cars will be stationed to monitor districts, rest houses, and other general facilities, as well as villages to regulate any curfew or social gathering violations,” said Lt. Col. Talal Al-Shalhoub, the ministry’s security spokesman.

He added that individuals with curfew permits could still carry out their work, unless the ministry or an official source announced otherwise. Any person violating the curfew will be fined SR10,000 ($2,666), while reported gatherings of over five people with no familial or household ties will be fined SR5,000 per person.


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